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发布时间:2023年07月05日 09:11   文章来源:必赢官网   浏览次数:












 1、智能材料研发实验室, 福建能源材料科学与技术创新实验室资助项目, 2022.01–2023.12. (参与)

 2、无鞣剂皮革制造技术及其科学原理研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2020.01–2023.12. (参与)

 3、基于天然皮革的可穿戴式辐射屏蔽材料研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2019.01–2022.12. (参与)


 1、Hao Li, Jibo Zhou, Linping Yan, Rui Zhong, Yaping Wang*, Xuepin Liao*, Bi Shi. Barbican Strategy: Advanced Wearable X-ray Shielding Materials by Employing Natural Leather and Bimetallic Core–Shell Nanoparticles. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 466, 143355.

   2、Linping Yan, Jibo Zhou, Hao Li, Rui Zhong, Junxin Zhuang, Xiaohui Xu, Yaping Wang*, Xuepin Liao, Bi Shi. Wearable synthetic leather-based high-performance X-ray shielding materials enabled by the plant polyphenol- and hierarchical structure-facilitated dispersion. Collagen and Leather, 2023, 5, 12.

    3、Ping Duan#, Yaping Wang#, Lichuan Chen#, Kai Qu#, Junyang Liu*, Qianchong Zhang*, Zhongning Chen*, Wenjing Hong*. Transport Modulation through Electronegativity Gating in Multiple Nitrogenous Circuits. Small, 2022, 18 (20), 2200361.

    4、Yaping Wang, Rui Zhong, Qian Li, Jiali Liao, Ning Liu, Neel S. Joshi, Bi Shi, Xuepin Liao*, Junling Guo*. Lightweight and Wearable X-Ray Shielding Material with Biological Structure for Low Secondary Radiation and Metabolic Saving Performance. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2020, 5 (7), 2000240.

    5、Yaping Wang, Pingping Ding, Heng Xu, Qian Li, Junling Guo, Xuepin Liao*, Bi Shi. Advanced X-ray Shielding Materials Enabled by the Coordination of Well-Dispersed High Atomic Number Elements in Natural Leather. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12 (17), 19916–19926.

    6、Qian Li, Yaping Wang, Xiao Xiao*, Rui Zhong, Jiali Liao, Junling Guo, Xuepin Liao*, Bi Shi. Research on X-ray Shielding Performance of Wearable Bi/Ce-Natural Leather Composite Materials. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 398, 122943.

    7、Qian Li, Pingping Ding, Yaping Wang, Xuepin Liao*, Bi Shi. Preparation of a Rare Earth Natural Leather X-ray Protection Material and Its Properties. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2021, 37 (10), 2001046.

    8、Yaping Wang, Peng Zhou, Shizhong Luo*, Xuepin Liao*, Bin Wang, Qian Shao, Xingkui Guo, Zhanhu Guo*. Controllable Synthesis of Monolayer Poly(acrylic acid) on the Channel Surface of Mesoporous Alumina for Pb(II) Adsorption. Langmuir, 2018, 34 (26), 7859–7868.

    9、Yaping Wang, Peng Zhou, Shizhong Luo*, Sijie Guo, Jing Lin*, Qian Shao, Xingkui Guo, Zhongqing Liu, Jun Shen, Bin Wang*, Zhanhu Guo*. In situ polymerized poly(acrylic acid)/alumina nanocomposites for Pb2+ adsorption. Advances in Polymer Technology, 2018, 37 (8), 2981–2996.

    10、Bin Wang*, Yaping Wang, Peng Zhou, Zhongqing Liu, Shizhong Luo, Wei Chu, Zhanhu Guo*. Formation of poly(acrylic acid)/alumina composite via in situ polymerization of acrylic acid adsorbed within oxide pores. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2017, 514, 168–177.


   1、廖学品, 周继博, 李昊, 王亚平, 石碧. 基于胶原纤维的柔性中子屏蔽材料及制备方法. 中国, 2023, 授权号 CN115232893B.

   2、廖学品, 李倩, 王亚平, 石碧. 以天然皮革为基础的 X 射线屏蔽材料的制备方法. 中国, 2022, 授权号 CN110197734B.

   3、廖学品, 王亚平, 李倩, 王亚楠, 周建飞, 曾运航, 黄鑫, 石碧. 一种高 Z 元素–天然皮革复合 X 射线屏蔽材料及其制备方法. 中国, 2021, 授权号 CN110218823B.

   4、廖学品, 李昊, 王亚平, 石碧. 一种基于核壳结构纳米粒子的射线屏蔽材料及其制备方法. 中国, 2022, 公开号 CN115410736A.

   5、Xuepin Liao, Yaping Wang, Qian Li, Yanan Wang, Jianfei Zhou, Yunhang Zeng, Xin Huang, Bi Shi. High-Z-Element–Natural Leather Composite X-Ray Shielding Material and Preparation Method Therefor. WIPO, 2020, Publication No. WO2020252861A1.


      1、Yaping Wang, Linping Yan, Hao Li, Xuepin Liao*, Bi Shi. Leather-based advanced X-ray shielding materials. 第三届木质素和胶原基材料青年国际会议, 2023.03, 中国成都, 墙报.



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