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Wenhua Zhang

Name:Wenhua Zhang

Title: Professor

Department and Major: Department of Biomass and Leather Engineering

Physical Chemistry

Laboratory or Office: No.306, Leather Building

Telephone number: 028-85405508

Research Field: The chemistry of tanning

Recent Publications:

1. Li Wang, Weimo Han, Yue Yu, Jian-fei Zhou, Wen-hua Zhang,* and Bi Shi. Thermodynamic Investigations on Chrome and Aluminum Tanning[J], Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association , 2017, 112:360-366.

2. Baohua Zhao, Weimo Han, Wenhua Zhang*, Bi Shi. Corrosion inhibition performance of tannins for mild steel in hydrochloric acid solution[J], Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2017,1-17.

3. Weimo Han,Jianfei Zhou, Wenhua Zhang*, Bi Shi.Molecular level understanding of the stability difference in collagen induced by chromium sulfate and aluminum sulfate[J], Journal of the Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists, 2017 ,101(6): 273-279.

4. WeiCaiZeng,Qun Sun, Wenhua Zhang, Xue-Pin Liao, Bi Shi*. Antioxidant activity in vivo and biological safety evaluation of a novelantioxidant peptide from bovine hair hydrolysates[J], Process Biochemistry, 2017,56 : 193–198.

5. Cao Shan,Zeng Yunhang,Cheng Baozhen,Zhang Wenhua*,Liu Bing. Effect of pH on Al/Zr-binding sites between collagen fibers in tanning process[J], Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, 2016, 111:242-249.

6. Weimo Han, YunhangZeng, Wenhua Zhang*. Further Investigation on Collagen-Cr(III) Interaction at Molecular Level[J] Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, 2016, 111:102-106.

7. YunhangZeng, Ying Song, Jing Li, Wenhua Zhang and Bi Shi*. Visualization and Quantification of Penetration/Mass Transfer of Acrylic Resin Retanning Agent in Leather using Fluorescent Tracing Technique[J]Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, 2016,111398-405.

8. SiweiCai, YunhangZeng, Wenhua Zhang, Ya-nan Wang, Bi Shi*..Inversechrome tanning technology based on wet white tanned by Al-Zr complex tanning agent[J]. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, 2015,110: 114-120.

9. WeiCaiZeng, Wenhua Zhang, Qiang He, Bi Shi*. Purification and characterization of a novel antioxidant peptide frombovine hairhydrolysates[J]. Process Biochemistry,2015,50:948-954.

10. WeiXiangyi, Wenhua Zhang, Bi Shi*. Fibre-forming Properties of Collagen and GelatinDerived from Bovine Limed-SplitWaste[J], Journal of the Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists, 2015, 99: 307- 313.

Honors & Awards:The Program for New Century ExcellentTalents in University


Main campus address:

Wangjiang campus: section of Chengdu No. 24 Southern Yihuan Code: 610065 | 29 Jiuyanqiao WangjiangRoad,
Chengdu Zip: 610064
Huaxi Campus: Chengdu, People’s SouthRoad was on the 17th Zip: 610041
Jiang’an Campus: Shuangliu County, Chengdu, Sichuan road Zip: 610207