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Ronghui Guo

Name: Ronghui Guo

Title: Associate Professor

Department and Major: Department of Textile and Clothing, Textile Enginnering

Laboratory or Office: Room 311, Textile Building A

Telephone number: 028-85405420

Research Field: Functional textile materials, Textile finishing and novel fiber materials

Recent Publications:

(参考格式:Wang Xiaobo, Li Wenyi, Yang Qiang and Zhao Hong, “The Application of the Huang Method in the Analysis of Microwave Heating” [J], Chemistry Letter, 2017, 38 (5):406-407.)

1. Ronghui Guo,Xiaoli Jing, Linghui Peng, Jianwu Lan, Shouxiang Jiang, Wanqi Yan, Nickel-catalyzed deposition of Cu film on PET fabric with supercritical fluid, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2017,(28):16618-16626

2. Ronghui Guo, Jianwu Lan, Linghui Peng, Shouxiang Jiang, Wanqi Yan, Microstructure and Hydrophobic Properties of Silver Nanoparticles on Amino-functionalized Cotton Fabric, Material Technology, 2016,31(3):139-144

3. Ronghui Guo, Yani Li, Jianwu Lan, Shouxiang Jiang, Ting Liu, Wanqi Yan, Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles on Cotton Fabric Modified with 3-Aminopropyltrimethoxysilane, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 130(6): 3862-3868.

4. R. H. Guo, S. Q. Jiang, Y.D. Zheng, J. W. Lan, Electroless Ni Deposition with Pd-activated Self-assembled Monolayer on Polyester Fabric, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 127(5): 4186-4193.

5. R. H. Guo, S. X. Jiang, C.W.M. Yuen, M.C.F. Ng, J. W. Lan, Y. L Yueng,S. J. Lin,Effects of deposition parameters of electroless copper plating on polyester fabric, Fibers and Polymers, 2013, 14(5): 752-758.

6. R. H. Guo, S. X. Jiang, C.W.M. Yuen, M.C.F. Ng, J. W. Lan,Optimization of electroless nickel plating on polyester fabric, Fibers and Polymers, 2013, 14(3): 459-464.

7. R. H. Guo, S.X. Jiang, C.W.M. Yuen, M.C.F. Ng, Metallized textile design through electroless plating and tie-dyeing technique, The Journal of The Textile Institute, 2013,104(10): 1049-1055 .

8. R. H. Guo, S. X. Jiang, C.W.M. Yuen, M.C.F. Ng, J. W. Lan, G. H. Zheng, Influence of Deposition Parameters and Kinetics of Electroless Ni-P Plating on Polyester Fiber, Fibers and Polymers, 2012, 13(8): 1037-1043.

9. R.H. Guo, S.X. Jiang, C.W.M. Yuen, M.C.F. Ng, Textile Design Application via Electroless Copper Plating, The Journal of The Textile Institute, 2012, 103(12): 1267-1272.

10. R. H. Guo, S. Q. Jiang, C. W. M. Yuen, M. C. F. Ng, G. H. Zheng, Influence of Nickel Ions for Electroless Ni–P Plating on Polyester Fabric, Journal of Coating Technology and Research, 2012,9(2):171-176.

11. Cheng Cheng,Ronghui Guo*, Jianwu Lan, Shouxiang Jiang, Preparation and visible-light photocatalytic activity of bismuth tungstate/lotus fiber composite membrane, Material Letters, 2018, 210: 16-19.

12. Cheng Cheng,Ronghui Guo*, Jianwu Lan, Shouxiang Jiang, Extraction of lotus fibres from lotus stems under microwave irradiation, Royal society open science, 2017, 4: 170747.

13. Linghui Peng,Ronghui Guo*, Jianwu Lan, Shouxiang Jiang, Zhouyi Zhang, Jiangtao Xu, Preparation and characterization of copper-coated polyester fabric pretreated with laser by magnetron sputtering, Journal of Industrial Textiles, 2017, DOI: 10.1177/1528083717736101

14. Linghui Peng,Ronghui Guo*, Jianwu Lan, Shouxiang Jiang, Xiang Wang, Shaojian Lin, Chao Li, Silver nanoparticles coating on silk fabric with pretreatment of 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane in supercritical carbon dioxide, Journal of Industrial Textiles, DOI: 10.1177/1528083716676813

15. Linghui Peng,Ronghui Guo*, Jianwu Lan, Shouxiang Jiang, Chao Li, Zhouyi Zhang, Synthesis of silver nanoparticles on wool fabric in supercritical carbon dioxide, Materials Express, 2017, 7(5): 1-6

16. Cheng Xiang,Ronghui Guo*,Jianwu Lan, Shouxiang Jiang, Can Wang, Zoufei Du, Cheng Cheng, Self-assembling porous 3D titanium dioxide-reduced graphene oxide aerogel for the tunable absorption of oleic acid and RhodamineB dye, Journal of Alloys and Compounds , 2018, 735: 246-252

17. Can Wang,Ronghui Guo, Jianwu Lan, Shouxiang Jiang, Zhouyi Zhang, Microwave-assisted synthesis of silver/reduced graphene oxide on cotton fabric, Cellulose, 2017, 24(9):4045–4055.

18. Can Wang,Ronghui Guo*, Lin Tan, Jianwu Lan, Shouxiang Jiang, Zhouyi Zhang, Preparation of silver/reduced graphene oxide coated polyester fabric for electromagnetic interference shielding,RSC Advances, 2017, 7(64): 40452 – 40461.

19. Zoufei Du,Ronghui Guo*, Jianwu Lan, Shouxiang Jiang, Shaojian Lin, Cheng Cheng, Ludan Zhao, Bismuth tungstate coating on polyester fabric modified with dopamine for photocatalytic property under visible light irradiation, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2017, 319: 219-229.

20. Ludan Zhao, Jiuyang Liu,Ronghui Guo*, Qiaomei Sun, Hongqin Yang, Hui Li, Investigating the interaction mechanism of fluorescent whitening agents to human serum albumin using saturation transfer difference-NMR, multi-spectroscopy, and docking studies, RSC Advances, 2017, 7(44): 27796–27806.

21. Ludan Zhao,Ronghui Guo*, Qiaomei Sun, Jianwu Lan, Hui Li, Interaction between azo dye Acid Red 14 and pepsin by multispectral methods and docking studies, Luminescence, 2017, 1-8.

22. Cheng, Cheng, Ronghui Guo*, Jianwu Lan, Shouxiang Jiang, Zoufei Du, Ludan Zhao, Linghui Peng,Effects of sodium hydroxide treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of lotus fibers, Fibers and Polymers, 2017, 18(9): 1671-1678.

23. Linghui Peng,Ronghui Guo*, Jianwu Lan, Shouxiang Jiang, Xiang Wang. Silver Nanoparticle Coating on Cotton Fabric Modified with Poly (diallyldimethylammonium chloride). Materials Technology, 2016, 31(8): 431-436.

24. Linghui Peng,Ronghui Guo*, Jianwu Lan, Shouxiang Jiang, Xiang Wang, Chao Li, Juan Li. Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles on Bamboo Pulp Fabric After Plasma Pretreatment. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2016, 27(6): 5925-5933.

25. Linghui,Peng,Ronghui Guo*, Jianwu Lan, Shouxiang Jiang, Xiang Wang. Microwave-assisted Coating of Silver Nanoparticles on Bamboo Rayon Fabrics Modified with Poly (diallyldimethylammonium chloride). Cellulose, 2016, 23(4): 2677-2688.

26. Linghui Peng,Ronghui Guo*, Jianwu Lan, Shouxiang Jiang, Shaojian Lin. Microwave-assisted Deposition of Silver Nanoparticles on Bamboo Pulp Fabric through Dopamine Functionalization. Applied Surface Science, 2016, 386: 151-159.

27. Linghui Peng,Ronghui Guo*, Shouxiang Jiang,Jianwu Lan, Yongfeng He, Xuemei Huang, Ultrasound-aided Dyeing of Cotton Fabric with Spirooxazines and Photochromic Properties, Fibers and Polymers, 2015, 16(6): 1312-1318.

28. Wenfeng Qin,Ronghui Guo*, Metallization of Polyester Fabric by Autocatalytic Copper Plating Process Using Glyoxylic Acid as a Reducing Agent, Fibers and Polymers 2015, 16(8): 1671-1675.

29. Yani Li, Jianwu Lan,Ronghui Guo*, Min Huang, Kun Shi, Dan Shang, Microstructure and Properties of Ni-Fe3O4Composite Plated Polyester Fabric, Fibers and Polymers, 2013, 14(10): 1657-1662.

30. Wenfeng Qin,Ronghui Guo, Influence of K4Fe(CN)6on Electroless Copper Plated Polyester Fabric Using Glyoxylic Acid as a reducing agent, Tekstil Ve Konfeksiyon, 2015,25(4):319-322

Honors & Awards:

1. Excellent teachers, Federation of Textile Industry of China, 2015

2. Excellent teachers, Sichuan University, 2014

3. “Wu Liang Chun” Excellent Young Teacher, Sichuan University, 2017

4. Achievements of Teaching Reform, the 2nd and 3th prizes of Textile Education Teaching Achievement of Textile Industry Federation of China, 2013 &2017

5. The 15thand 17th “Chen Weiji” Outstanding Paper Award, China Textile Engineering Society, 2014, 2016

6. “Heng Yi fund” Outstanding Academic Excellence Award , China Chemical Fiber Industry Association, 2015-2017

7. “ Special Award for The Invention” of 40th International Exhibition of Invention of Geneva, 2012.


S. Q. Jiang,R. H. Guo, Chapter 5: Modification of textile surfaces by electroless deposition, Surface modification of textiles, edited by Q Wei, Woodhead Publishing Limited, pp. 236-286.


1. Ronghui Guo, Yani Li, Jianwu Lan, Preparation of fabric with Conductive and magnetic function, CN ZL 2013 1 0547310.0

2. Ronghui Guo, Wanqi Yan, Jianwu Lan Chemical plating activation process for fabric by using supercritical carbon dioxide fluid, CN ZL 2015 1 0108184.8


Main campus address:

Wangjiang campus: section of Chengdu No. 24 Southern Yihuan Code: 610065 | 29 Jiuyanqiao WangjiangRoad,
Chengdu Zip: 610064
Huaxi Campus: Chengdu, People’s SouthRoad was on the 17th Zip: 610041
Jiang’an Campus: Shuangliu County, Chengdu, Sichuan road Zip: 610207